According to the note, people are showing symptoms of vomiting and watery diarrhea, and the Luanda provincial health office "immediately" took measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The measures, in coordination with other institutions, include disinfection of contaminated areas, identification and tracing of contacts, as well as in-depth epidemiological and laboratory investigation to confirm suspected cases.
The Luanda provincial health office also associated these measures with the mapping and mobilization of activists and mobilizers on the ground, for a house-to-house information campaign and distribution of information, education and communication material and bleach, so that families can disinfect the water they consume, the latrines and bathrooms.
"Cholera is a dangerous and very contagious disease", highlighted the Ministry of Health in the document, adding that "it can kill within a few hours if not treated immediately".
The Ministry of Health reinforced that, as it is "highly contagious and spreads very quickly", the entire population, especially in the affected area in particular, must adopt prevention measures, such as frequent hand washing with soap and water, as well as treating drinking water by adding five drops of bleach to each liter of water or boiling for 20 minutes.
Wash fruits and vegetables well with boiled water or treated with bleach before eating, cook food well and store it well covered, do not defecate in the open, combat flies, cockroaches and rats, maintain the latrine or bathroom at all times cleaned and disinfected with bleach are other measures.
The authorities also advise, in case of suspected cholera, to administer homemade serum and refer the patient to the nearest health unit, continuing to drink liquids.
"The Ministry of Health remains committed to reporting on the epidemiological situation of this disease and calls on society to remain calm and serene, in the certainty that everything will be done to protect the health of our entire population", highlights the notice.