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Africa with 615 more dead and 22,598 cases of covid-19

Africa recorded 615 deaths due to covid-19 in the last 24 hours, for a total of 67,246 deaths, and 22,598 new cases, according to the latest pandemic data on the continent.


According to the African Union's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the total number of cases is 2,830,462 and there are now 2,343,850 recovered, plus 11,787 in the last 24 hours.

Southern Africa remains the most affected region, with 1,234,460 cases and 31,674 deaths.

In this region, South Africa, the country hardest hit by covid-19 on the continent, accounts for a total of 1,100,748 infections and 29,577 deaths.

North Africa is the second most affected area by the pandemic, with 945,527 cases of infection and 24,733 fatalities.

East Africa records 325,736 infections and 6039 deaths, in West Africa the number of infections is 248,812 and that of deaths is 3312, while Central Africa records 75,927 cases and 1488 deaths.

Egypt, which is the second African country with the most fatalities, after South Africa, registers 7,805 dead and 142,187 infected, followed by Morocco, with 7485 fatal victims and 443,146 infected.

Among the six most affected countries are also Tunisia, with 4800 deaths and 143,544 infected, Algeria, with 2772 deaths and which exceeded 100 thousand cases (100,408), Ethiopia, with 1948 fatalities and 125,622 infections, and Kenya, with 1685 deaths and 96,802 infected.

Regarding Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola records 408 deaths and 17,642 cases, followed by Mozambique (169 deaths and 19,309 cases), Cape Verde (113 deaths and 11,920 cases), Equatorial Guinea (86 deaths and 5279 cases), Guinea -Bissau (45 dead and 2446 cases) and São Tomé and Príncipe (17 killed and 1014 cases).

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