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Rafael Marques defends public fund to support civil society in the country

The activist Rafael Marques suggested this Wednesday the creation of a public fund to support civil society organizations in the country, to overcome the financial constraints of these entities that also contribute to the fight against corruption.


"The Government should through this process of asset recovery create a national fund to support civil society with part of these proceeds recovered from those who plundered the country for years," said Rafael Marques, noting that civil society has made "a major contribution against corruption," on the fringes of the presentation of UFOLO - Center for Studies for Good Governance.

Another suggestion was the use of tax incentives to companies that assume philanthropy: "The rich Angolans, all those who benefited from one or another of the resources of this country have a duty to contribute so that we have a more pro-active society, we will all win with a society that is able to defend the interests of sovereignty and citizens," he emphasized.

Rafael Marques, journalist and founder of the 'website' Maka Angola, which launched this Wednesday the UFOLO, explained that the center emerged because it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of intervention of civil capacity.

"Without a strong civil society, we will not have strong political parties, we will not have political parties more dedicated to public service. It has been many years of war, many years of dictatorship and we have to rebuild this fabric that is the fabric of Angolan society," he said.

For Rafael Marques, "it was time to create a centre that could bring together the youth, bring together ideas and generate initiatives" that would allow for a "more demanding, structured and organised" intervention by civil society.

The UFOLO premiered this Wednesday with a first public debate focused on the theme "Youth in Action".

The colloquium in Luanda counts with the participation of 'rappers' and activists such as Luaty Beirão, MCK and Eva Rap Diva, the economist Yuri Quixina, the jurist Rui Verde, the sociologist Tânia de Carvalho, among other personalities, being in debate topics such as "The Power of Youth", "Unemployment and economic policies" and "Crime: causes and consequences".

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