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Belas: Macon's bus crash kills and injures several people

This morning, in the Ramiros area, in the municipality of Belas, an accident occurred involving four vehicles, two light and two heavy, including a bus from the Macon carrier. One death and dozens of serious injuries are confirmed.


The accident took place on National Road No. 100 this Friday morning. According to provisional data, the only mortal victim will be a 34-year-old woman. However, the possibility of other victims may not be ruled out.

The clash took place at kilometer 32, around 5:30 am and involved two light vehicles, a tanker truck and a Macon bus. The bus overturned and crashed into a bluff, and firefighters are working to remove the vehicle, with people still incarcerated.

According to sub-inspector Faustino Minguês, spokesman for the Luanda Civil and Fire Protection Service, told firefighters the efforts to remove the bus from the site, and contacts are being made to a crane may be used for this operation.

The official did not specify whether the incarcerated persons are alive, stating that other information will be provided in a timely manner and that this is provisional data.

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