Ver Angola


First 'Capoeira Angola' festival features "living legend" in Luanda

The first Capoeira Angola festival, which will take place from 13 to 19 January in Luanda, will feature the living legend, the 84-year-old master João Grande, who will pass on his knowledge to practitioners of this art.


The inaugural session of the festival, sponsored by the Uavala Center, an association that aims to promote capoeira in Angola and use this art as a vehicle for community education, personal transformation and well-being, takes place Monday at the Anthropology Museum.

A series of workshops are planned, led by master João Grande, “who will travel from New York to Luanda to convey his knowledge and have contact with the practitioners of Engolo in southern Angola”,  the organization said in a statement.

Engolo is a traditional African dance that will be the origin of capoeira Angola practiced in Brazil.

The festival's program also includes movement classes and musical artists under the guidance of Master João Reis and Counter-Master Salim Rollins and includes the participation of capoeiristas from the continent, Brazil, the United States, Europe, as well as local practitioners.

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