Ver Angola


Osvaldo Mboco: Angola must boost economic and trade relations with South Africa

International relations expert Osvaldo Mboco argued this Tuesday that Angola should better explore geographical proximity and further boost economic and commercial relations with South Africa, valuing the “good period” of bilateral relations.


The President, João Lourenço, travels to South Africa on Thursday at the invitation of his counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa, as diplomatic sources in Luanda announced.

For Osvaldo Mboco, Angola and South Africa are experiencing a good period in relations, mainly because they are located in the same geographic region and in the same economic bloc – Southern African Development Community (SADC) – and this proximity should be better explored by Angola.

"The most difficult period of our relations was at the time of 'apartheid'. Since then, with the end of 'apartheid', relations have tended to go through stages of development", said the analyst in statements to Lusa.

Given the geographic proximity and presence in SADC, "we should intensify and make more dynamic our commercial relations with South Africa, a more industrialized country compared to Angola", he stressed.

South Africa, recalled the expert, has taken significant steps towards consolidating the diversification of its economy, has superior technological advancement than Angola, factors that can boost and accelerate diversification in the country.

"Angola can in fact cooperate with the South Africans on issues that can contribute to the diversification of the economy with the South African experience", he insisted, and also, due to the fact that they are geographically close, "trade between them can be further intensified".

A business forum on the theme "South Africa and Angola: Working Together to Forge a New Era of Cooperation and Partnerships to Increase Mutually Beneficial Trade and Investment" is scheduled, as part of João Lourenço's visit.

Mboco considered, on the other hand, that there was "synchrony" in the diplomatic channels between both countries, believing that João Lourenço on his trip should give shape to the State's economic diplomacy.

This visit, "in addition to consolidating ties between the States' relations, also falls within the scope of the economic strategy", said the analyst, believing that Angola has realized the need to devote "increased attention" to the African continent.

"That it is a good market, where Angola can take advantage and reduce excess imports of products from third countries (outside Africa)", he argued.

In economic diplomacy, he highlighted the work that must be done to attract investors to Angola and the "identification of spaces for Angolan businesspeople in South Africa (...). And that would be important, to see South African businesspeople set up factories in Angola".

Osvaldo Mboco also considered that there was the possibility of the two countries making mixed investments which, he observed, "would make a big difference from the point of view of exploring the great regional potential with the aim of boosting growth and economic development at the region level".


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