Ver Angola


Government suspends granting of land rights in new provinces

The granting of land rights in the country's three new provinces and municipalities are suspended during the administrative transition period for the new regions, according to a presidential decree to which Lusa had access this Tuesday.

:  Angola Image Bank
Angola Image Bank  

In the measure, expressed in the presidential decree of November 29, it is stated that the current bodies and services of the State's local administration remain in full operation until the effective institutionalization of the provinces of Icolo and Bengo, Cuando and Moxico Leste, the municipalities, communes and possession of the new holders.

With the new administrative division of Angola, the country now has 21 provinces, 326 municipalities and 378 communes, with a set of essential tasks having been approved for the effective implementation of the new regions.

The document emphasizes that land rights are granted, during the transition period, for reasons of public interest or by authorization of the Minister of Territorial Administration.

The approved implementation plan also guides the carrying out of a comprehensive survey of the current situation of human capital in the new provincial governments, municipal and communal administrations, as well as the mobilization of current civil servants available for placement.

Among other tasks, for the province of Icolo and Bengo, the preparation of studies and the construction of the Aerotropolis (city built around airports) also stands out.

The decree also advises that the new territorial limits between the different units be marked by landmarks, whenever they are defined by imaginary lines, adapting and adjusting the toponyms and territorial limits of the provinces, municipalities and communes.

In the field of administrative organization of the territory, the document calls for special attention to the settlement of border areas, through the creation of border villages or the establishment of agricultural villages and fishing villages, depending on the specific characteristics of each location.

The document guides the implementation of a pilot project called "Frontier Village", to populate strategic areas of the national border, serve as a containment to illegal immigration and ensure greater control of the territory, prevent and combat the illicit exploitation of resources. natural.


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