Ver Angola


Electricity arrives for the first time on Mussulo Island

The period of darkness that Mussulo Island, located in Luanda, was facing has an end in sight. According to the Ministry of Energy and Water, it will be from this Thursday that this place will be electrified for the first time.

: Medicareclub

The guardianship, in a statement cited by Jornal de Angola, explains that this is a rural electrification project that faced some technical difficulties, as this island has less stable terrain that complicates the transport and implementation of infrastructure.

However, this project will be powered directly through the national electricity grid, offering advantages such as strengthening the public lighting network, clean energy, in addition to 3600 connections allowing it to reach up to 21,600 families.

According to the ministry, this step reiterates the Executive's commitment to guaranteeing access to electricity as a fundamental instrument for the well-being of citizens, the development of the economy and strengthening the cohesion of the territory, writes Jornal de Angola.

Remember that, last weekend, electricity also arrived for the first time in the municipalities of Cachiungo and Chinguar, in the provinces of Huambo and Bié, respectively.


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