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Banco do Brasil wants to finance agribusiness in Angola

Banco do Brasil wants to establish partnerships to finance agribusiness in Angola, considering that only rural credit stimulates transformation in the countryside, stops the rural exodus and generates income and employment for families, said a source at the bank.

: Fresan

Fernando Gallo, from the Agribusiness Department of Banco do Brasil (BB), told Lusa that Brazil has successful examples of how agricultural policy and rural credit help to make the transformation movement in the countryside happen more quickly, an experience that can be replicated in Angola.

"So, we bring situations where Brazil had difficulties and the type of policies and programs that it implemented to achieve today's results. Today, Brazil is the main agricultural power in the world", said Fernando Gallo, in statements to Lusa.

Praising the agricultural potential of Africa and, particularly, Angola, the official noted that his country, which 50 years ago was an importer of the main foods, has today "awakened" and contributes to global food security due to its investment in rural credit and service to small farmers.

Last week, Banco do Brasil was in Luanda with agribusiness operators in Angola, sharing its experience and looking for opportunities to establish partnerships, he said.

"We are looking at all the opportunities and we are presenting ourselves so that Angola can see what opportunities Banco do Brasil has for closer ties and good business for both parties", he stressed.

Gallo also addressed the possibility of the Brazilian state bank creating financing for the agricultural sector in Angola, noting that BB has in its portfolio of activities "some products to facilitate import and export and other credit support that it can build [with Angola]".

"The success of Brazilian agribusiness is precisely having a large bank behind it, with a large lending capacity", he maintained, adding that BB "has a very large capacity to distribute resources".

Fernando Gallo, who was part of the delegation of the Brazilian Minister of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro, who visited Angola last week, highlighted the importance of the exchange and the openness of Angolan businesspeople to the Brazilian experience in this sector.

The head of the Agribusiness Department at Banco do Brasil insisted on the need to invest in and make rural credit available, especially as a stimulus for transformation in the countryside, food security, job creation and keeping people in the countryside.

"From the moment you have the agricultural program, with the producer in the countryside, being subsidized with credit, knowledge and technical assistance, he starts to have his maintenance in the countryside, avoids going to the city and in addition generates income", he concluded.


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