Ver Angola


Rains caused eight deaths and more than 6000 houses flooded in Luanda

Data advanced, this Monday, at the review meeting to assess the impact of the current rainy season, point to the deaths of eight people as a result of the rains that were felt in Luanda between August 15th and December 5th. Still in the period in question, more than 6000 flooded houses were recorded.

: Ampe Rogério/Lusa
Ampe Rogério/Lusa  

Bravo Mendes, spokesperson for the Provincial Civil Protection Commission, reported that the deaths were registered in the municipalities of Cacuaco (three), Luanda, Belas, Cazenga, Kilamba Kiaxi and Viana, and were caused by drowning, trawling and electrocution.

The spokesperson said, quoted by Angop, that 6175 homes were flooded, 65 collapsed, affecting 6240 families.

Regarding the municipalities with the highest record of damage, Viana stands out as the municipality with the highest number of flooded houses (4048 homes), according to the person in charge, who also said that next is Kilamba Kiaxi with 3003 houses. Collapses were recorded in the municipalities of Cacuaco, Talatona, Belas and Quiçama.

Data relating to the rain that fell during the period in question also indicates that a hundred trees fell in the municipality of Luanda, five in Belas, one in Talatona and one in Kilamba Kiaxi, writes Angop.

In terms of social infrastructure, a dozen schools suffered damage in Viana, six in Cazenga, three in Kilamba Kiaxi, two in Belas and one in Luanda, while two hospitals were damaged in Cazenga.

According to a note from the Sumbe Municipal Administration, to which VerAngola had access, the Cuanza Sul Pediatric Hospital was flooded due to the recent rains, and the patients were transferred, this Monday, to the 17 de Setembro General Hospital.

Also this Monday, "following actions to mitigate the effects of rain in the province of Luanda, the Provincial Civil Protection Commission" met Dr. António Agostinho Neto in the Salão Nobre, "where the Pre-Balance of the Rainy Season was assessed from August 15th to December 1st, the Intervention Plan for Macro Drainage and Natural Depression Zones and the Meteorological Forecast for the 2023/2024 Season, with the Action Plan for the 2023/2024 Rainy Season having been approved", informs the Government from the Province of Luanda.

The forecasts, according to João Afonso, director of the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, point to above-average rainfall throughout December, as well as January and February of next year, writes Angop.


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