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Real Estate

Sale of more than a hundred plots of land in Benguela starts Monday

Kilson Gouveia, technical administrator of EGTI, revealed that the 110 plots of land in Benguela's central areas will start to be sold next Monday, December 7.


The responsible made known that the price of the land, which are located in the centralities of Baía Farta (20), Luhongo (70) and Lobito (20), will be between two million kwanza and 70 million kwanzas. Depending on the centrality, the price per square meter will be between nine and 16 thousand kwanzas, he added.

Kilson Gouveia, who was speaking during the launching ceremony of the sale process of the lots that took place this Thursday, explained that the prices will be different according to the centrality in which the lots are located.

Cited by Angop, EGTI's technical manager said that the value can be paid in 36 installments after the first installment, which corresponds to 20 per cent of the total value of the lot.

Those interested in acquiring the lots can process their registration through the EGTI company website. On the website, interested parties must negotiate the payment modalities and can only qualify for one lot per centrality.

Manuel Tavares de Almeida, Minister of Public Works and Spatial Planning, who was also present at the ceremony and visited the three centralities, took the opportunity to reveal that it is estimated that around 36 thousand people can live in these three centralities. For this reason, it will be necessary to create other services that can meet the basic needs of future residents.

"The National Development Plan (PDN 2018/2022), as a medium term planning instrument, which aims at the socio-economic and territorial growth of the country, provides for the development of the urban network requalified and sustainable, and this is also a strategic objective that reflects the concerns of reducing the territorial imbalance on a national scale," he said.

Urban development requires resources that at the moment cannot be applied due to the current state of public finances, he said, admitting that innovative solutions must be found. This is where the infrastructured land comes in, which, according to the minister, is a government strategy to help create opportunities for citizens to contribute to the improvement of the business environment.

The holder of the Public Works and Spatial Planning portfolio also said that this type of land helps to improve the optimization of infrastructure and helps communities to have access to goods and equipment that meet their basic needs.

Gabriel Neto, entrepreneur and president of the Benguela Hotels Association, considered that for the first time an impartial and free of vices sales process was created, but regretted the fact that in the three centralities there are problems with water supply. However, he believes that these problems will be overcome.

Regarding the problem of water, Ana Paula de Carvalho, Secretary of State for Public Works and Spatial Planning, said that two solutions are already being studied and soon the problem will be solved.

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