Ver Angola


Angola organizes Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation Areas

Angola will hold, in January 2025, the International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation Areas, which will address topics such as the need for financial mechanisms for conservation and for inclusive and sustainable solutions, it was announced.


The holding of this event, scheduled for January 30th and 31st, was announced at a conference, in which the Minister of the Environment, Ana Paula Pereira, highlighted that the country has extraordinary biodiversity.

According to the minister, the conference will address topics such as the role of local communities in preserving endangered species and threats to biodiversity, environmental justice and human rights, protected areas, among others.

The minister stressed the need for increased effort to protect the country's biodiversity, environmental sustainability and greater and better environmental education.

The minister highlighted that Angola has 14 conservation areas, each of them characterized by one or more specific animals, also admitting the need for animal repopulation.

“In some areas there was not even supervision, but at the moment all areas have supervision and this ends up somewhat reducing poaching”, highlighted Ana Paula Pereira, highlighting that the Government is equally committed to creating and improving infrastructure within the areas of conservation.

“With this conference we also want to draw on the experience of other countries, which perhaps have much less than us, but are in much better conditions. It will also be a time to exchange experiences regarding biodiversity and conservation areas”, he added.


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