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Court of Auditors defends credible control system to prevent corruption

The president of the Court of Auditors (TdC) defended, this Wednesday, a “credible, transparent and effective” control system to prevent mismanagement, fraud and corruption in the execution of public funds, calling for concerted action from agents.

: Facebook Tribunal de Contas de Angola - TdC
Facebook Tribunal de Contas de Angola - TdC  

According to Sebastião Gunza, the efficient, transparent and rigorous use of public resources will contribute to improving the lives of citizens for many years to come: "Therefore, close cooperation and coordination between state bodies and civil society is essential".

"The proper use of public funds requires a credible, transparent and effective control system that prevents mismanagement, fraud and corruption", stated the presiding judge of the Court of Auditors, advocating continued investment in rigorous planning.

Speaking at the opening of the 2nd Technical-Scientific Conference of the Angolan Court of Auditors 2024, which began this Wednesday, Sebastião Gunza also advocated investments in management efficiency, prevention of management risk, quality of internal control and "comprehensive monitoring and supervision".

For the judicial magistrate, the prevention and control of various entities "requires exemplary coordination in order to prevent the good intentions of many to prevent and supervise from ending in few or no one to control".

He considered that networking "is therefore essential in this area. There is an urgent need for concerted action by all stakeholders, to define priorities, and to establish mechanisms for prevention and identification of risk factors".

"Citizens have the right to demand that not only are prevention and reprimand mechanisms guaranteed in a coordinated manner, but that they are also visible, detectable and subject to public scrutiny", he stressed.

"Challenges of External Control of Public Finances: The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Future" is the motto of these TdC conferences, whose work will continue until Thursday at the Palace of Justice in Luanda.

Sebastião Gunza also highlighted the "irreplaceable" role of the body he heads in monitoring the legality of public finances, stating that it also assesses the regularity of financial activity and verifies whether the contracting conditions for the State are the most advantageous.

He also assured that the Court of Auditors also assesses the indicators of good financial management, an action that, he stressed, also aims to preserve and strengthen the democratic and legal state, "acting as a guarantor of successful public policies".


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