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'Mural da Fama': Luanda's walls will honor figures who contributed most to the country

The walls of Luanda will be transformed into works of art, as part of a project that aims to pay homage to figures who contributed most to the country in different areas, such as politics, culture and sport. This is the ‘Mural da Fama’ project, which was launched this Tuesday, in the capital, by the artist Adão Mussungo.

: Angop

In this way, the initiative translates into the painting of public walls to give a new 'face' to these sites, as well as telling the story of the selected personalities through art.

According to the artist, the idea for the 'Mural da Fama' was born a few years ago.

Mussungo, speaking to Angop, also said he believes that painting these sites is one of the best ways to pay tribute to everyone who contributed to the country's development.

Thus, Adão Mussungo made it known that he contacted some municipal administrations to show his work, having exhibited his works in the municipality of Luanda. He added that, recently, in Bengo, more specifically in Ambriz, he painted a 500-meter mural with political figures.

According to the artist, the locals will help preserve the achievements of those who helped in the country's development, immortalizing its history in a mural, writes Angop.

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