Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

Multicaixa reaches a historic record by registering more than 10 million transactions in a single day

The Multicaixa network reached a historic record by recording more than 10.1 million transactions in a single day, having surpassed, for the first time, the seven-digit number of transactions in a day, announced the Interbank Services Company (EMIS).


In a statement to which VerAngola had access, EMIS says that this record "not only highlights the confidence of users of Multicaixa network services, but also represents a decisive moment for the electronic payments sector" in the country.

"This historic milestone means growth of around 20 times in the last 10 years, given that in 2014 the record was close to 500 thousand transactions", adds the company.

EMIS also recalls that, last month, more than 220 million transactions were registered on the Multicaixa network, highlighting Multicaixa Express, which processed more than 120 million transactions.

"In October this year, the Multicaixa network processed 227 million transactions, with emphasis on the MCX Express interbank channel, which processed 123 million transactions", the note reads.

Also during the month of October, cell phone payments using the QR code surpassed 200 thousand transactions, "demonstrating the potential of this new way of paying".

In this way, the statement said, the Multicaixa network will continue to "contribute to the massification of electronic payments towards the total digitalization of payments in Angola, with security, convenience and confidence in their use".


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