Ver Angola


Former governor of Lunda Sul province begins trial on Tuesday

The trial of the former governor of the province of Lunda Sul Ernesto Kiteculo, indicted in two cases for committing the crime of embezzlement, begins on Tuesday, the Supreme Court (TS) announced this Monday.

: Kindala Manuel | Edições Novembro (Via: Jornal de Angola)
Kindala Manuel | Edições Novembro (Via: Jornal de Angola)  

Ernesto Kiteculo, accused and detained in September 2020 on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement, criminal association, influence peddling, economic participation in business, undue receipt of an advantage, violation of the rules for implementing the plan and budget and abuse of power, in when he was deputy governor for the economic and social sector of the government of the province of Cuando-Cubango (period between 2012 and 2017), has been on provisional release since January 2021 for health reasons.

This Monday, the Supreme Court highlights that the former ruler is only accused in two cases of committing the crime of embezzlement.


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