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Three years after the opening, Human Milk Bank helped more than 1,000 children grow healthy

About a thousand children, born prematurely or with health problems, benefited from the Human Milk Bank (BLH), installed at the Lucrécia Paim Maternity in Luanda, in November 2019.


According to Elisa Gaspar, coordinator of the bank, who celebrates this month three years since its implementation, during this period about 1067 mothers and 1124 children were assisted. The official also advanced that they are registered in this Break of Breast Pasteurized about 1800 women, 70 percent of the given external mothers and 30 percent internal.

Last September 18 liters of milk were donated to the nursery. "Milk is still insufficient, but it is to thank mothers who donate us milk and our goal is to respond to the needs of Luanda's babies," said the official, cited by Angop.

Among hospitalized and voluntary parturients, there are 700 women firefighters among the data of this bank.

The coordinator also pointed out that 25 professionals were trained in BLH, which currently has only four permanent employees, awaiting the integration of the rest through the contest.

The project does not want to be alone in the capital, and it is aimed to implement a human milk bank in each province of the country.

The Director-General of Motherhood of Lucrécia Paim, Ligia Alves, said that the implementation of milk banks represents a more value for the country, and could improve nutritional care and reduce child mortality, especially in the first year of life.

"It is very pleased that the hospital welcomes this specialized service, whose purpose is to expand the chances of premature babies admitted to neonatal ICU to increase weight, providing them with healthier development for life," he said, cited by the same agency .

The director also explained that the BLH is responsible not only for the promotion of breast food, but also for the execution of activities such as the collection, processing and control of the quality of the milk provided.

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