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Angolan bets 350 kwanzas on Premier Bet and wins 42 million prize

The Angolan Aurélio Cruz entered, this Friday, into the history of the sports betting company Premier Bet. With a bet of only 350 kwanzas, the young man ended up taking home a prize of 42 million kwanzas - considered, until now, the highest value ever won in bets in the Premier Bet.


Aurélio Cruz, who received the cheque this Friday, said he was confident with the bet on Champions League and European League games, but that he never thought he would win such a high amount: "I was hoping to win, but I didn't expect the highest prize".

Quoted by Angop, the Angolan underlined that he had already tried to win bets several times and that with this achievement he saw a dream come true.

With the money he won, Aurélio, who is married since last month, stressed that his priority is to buy a house. "Next I will think about investing and maybe creating new jobs to help young people in the same conditions as me," he added.

Paulo Ringote, director of the National Institute of Game Supervision, admitted that this victory will help to increase the credibility of the betting market in the country and help to distribute incomes between those who have little and those who have a lot.

"Proof of this is that an investment of 350 generates a value of 42 million", he explained.

The Premier Bet company has been operating in the country for about four months and is dedicated to sports betting.


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