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Railway traffic between Luanda and Malanje, interrupted eight days ago, is restored

The Luanda Railway (CFL) announced this Wednesday the resumption of railway circulation between the provinces of Luanda, Cuanza Norte and Malanje, interrupted due to the derailment of a freight train.

: Lusa

In a press release, the CFL says that three trains are scheduled for this Wednesday to restore circulation.

The first general cargo train departed from Musseques station, in Luanda, heading to Malanje station, followed by another train transporting diesel, from Catete station to Malanje, and a gas transport train, from the Zenza do Itombe station, in Cuanza Norte, to the Musseques station, in Luanda.

The stoppage was caused by the derailment of a tank car, on Tuesday last week, which was transporting fuel, resulting in fuel spillage and damage to the infrastructure of the railway line, with the damage to around 500 sleepers of concrete.


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