Ver Angola


Carrinho opens new cash and carry supermarket in Luanda

Grupo Carrinho opened, this Wednesday, another supermarket ‘BB Eskebra’. Located in Gamek, in Luanda, this new establishment is a wholesale store and will offer a variety of basic food products at low prices.

: VISAGE ESTUDIO ANGOLA (Via Facebook BB Eskebra)
VISAGE ESTUDIO ANGOLA (Via Facebook BB Eskebra)  

"We already have eight stores in local markets. We have ten stores in Luanda, and this is our third cash-in-carry store. The idea of ​​this project, that is, this store too, is to stimulate everything a little more which has to do with national production", said the coordinator of the BB Eskebra project, Glória Benttecurt, quoted by Jornal de Angola.

Stressing that the main highlight of this new store is to assist farmers in the flow of agricultural products in several provinces of the country, the coordinator said that approximately 95 percent of the products sold in supermarkets are manufactured in the country, adding that it is made by enterprising national citizens, whose goal is to promote the country's agriculture in order to guarantee the sale of products throughout the country.

The person responsible also mentioned a partnership between BB Eskebra and Carrinho Agri that helps sell producers' agricultural products in provinces such as Malanje, Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Bié, among others.

"Not only through the purchase of national products, but also through the agricultural cabin, we work on promotion with several farmers and also at the level of our industry, which transforms this raw material that is produced in our fields, which is worked in our national production, which is then transformed into a final product and which we sell in our stores", said the coordinator, who, cited by Jornal de Angola, also highlighted the existence of work that is carried out in the formulation of agricultural production aiming at boost the country's economy.

Furthermore, the executive stated that, at this moment, BB Eskebra has already hired another 300 people, including direct and indirect jobs, adding that the goal is to reach 250 commercial establishments across the country.

According to Jornal de Angola, residents of the urban district of Maianga, in the Morro Bento neighborhood, were happy with the opening, this Wednesday, of the new establishment.

It is worth remembering that in July, Grupo Carrinho also opened its first cash and carry supermarket. The inauguration took place in Lobito, Benguela province.


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