Ver Angola


PR changes direction of SIC and SME and appoints new directors

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, made changes to the management of the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC) and the Migration and Foreigners Service (SME), having appointed new directors for these two entities.


According to a statement from CIPRA, to which VerAngola had access, the head of State, "under the terms of the Constitution of the Republic of Angola and after hearing the National Security Council", dismissed migration commissioner João António da Costa Dias, from his position general manager of the Migration and Foreigners Service.

Chief Criminal Investigation Commissioner António Paulo Bendje was also dismissed from his position as general director of the Criminal Investigation Service.

To replace them, the President of the Republic appointed Luciano Tânio Jorge Custódio Mateus da Silva, to assume the role of general director of the Criminal Investigation Service and José Coimbra Baptista Júnior, to the role of general director of the Migration and Foreigners Service.

According to the statement, João Lourenço also dismissed "José Coimbra Baptista Júnior, from the position of deputy head of the State Information and Security Service"; "Criminal Investigations Commissioner Fernando Manuel Bambi Receado, as deputy general director of the Criminal Investigations Service" and "Luciano Tânio Jorge Custódio Mateus da Silva, as director of the Special Security Body for Strategic Minerals".

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