Ver Angola


Brazilian team provides training in Angola on agricultural production and marketing

A team of Brazilian technicians has been in Angola since Monday to carry out training activities to support agricultural production and marketing, said Brazil's National Supply Company (Conab).


In a statement, Conab detailed that for five days courses will be given to managers in strategic areas of the agricultural sector and to technicians from the Angolan public sector with the aim of providing the country with the basis for “the construction of effective and sustainable agricultural policies, as that agriculture is a fundamental area for socioeconomic development”.

The Brazil-Angola Cooperation Project, coordinated by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will have actions aimed at collecting agricultural information, but also cost analysis and production monitoring.

The Company's International Relations coordinator, Marisson Marinho, who leads the delegation, stressed, in the same note, that “the general objective of the mission is to share knowledge and train Angolan professionals in strategic areas” related to agricultural policy, with a focus on agricultural practices. production, food acquisition from family farming and sowing monitoring, in addition to “providing a deeper understanding of the guidelines and methodologies applied by Conab in Brazil”.

During the training activities, Brazilian technicians will also detail the programs that the South American giant has to reduce fluctuations in the income of rural producers and also the public agricultural purchasing program aimed at family farming.

According to Brazilian authorities, the Brazilian State allocated more than 115 million euros to Conab in 2023 to be used “to support the commercialization of family farming production in the country”.


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