Ver Angola


Domestic flights at the new Luanda International Airport start in the first quarter of next year

The new International Airport ‘Agostinho Neto’ will start receiving domestic flights at the end of the first quarter of next year, while international flights are expected to start in the third quarter of 2024.

: Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda
Facebook Governo da Província de Luanda  

The information was provided, this Monday, by Ricardo de Abreu, Minister of Transport, cited by Angop.

Remember that the new airport is scheduled to open on November 10th. With the ceremony approaching, the Multisectoral Commission for Monitoring the Works of the António Agostinho Neto International Airport assessed the state of the gigantic work, in a meeting chaired by the President of the Republic.

According to a note from the Presidency of the Republic, to which VerAngola had access, the meeting took place this Monday and served to "get to know, in an in-depth and updated way, the state of the infrastructure on the eve of its inauguration".

At this Monday's meeting, "the different sectors with direct involvement in the execution of the contract and ensuring its functionality, with the Ministry of Transport at the head, gave explanations to the Head of State related to the civil construction works, accesses, fundamental services such as water, electricity and telecommunications and the asset protection of the strategic asset", the note also states.

According to Angop, the new airport will only operate cargo until the first three months of next year.


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