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Banking and Insurance

Gross credit to the non-financial sector reached 5.84 billion kwanzas in September

Gross credit to the non-financial sector amounted to 5.84 billion kwanzas in September, representing an increase of 1.01 billion kwanzas compared to the same period last year.


According to the statistical information note on credit from the National Bank of Angola (BNA), consulted this Tuesday by Lusa, 89.63 percent of credit, in this period, represented private sector debt and the remainder debt of the public sector.

The debt of the non-financial public sector totaled 605.52 billion kwanzas, of which 48.96 percent referred to public administration and 51.04 percent to public companies. Compared to the same period last year, there was a growth of 231 billion kwanzas.

In relation to the private sector, debt increased by 780.12 billion kwanzas, from 4.45 billion kwanzas in September 2022 to 5.23 billion kwanzas in September 2023.

According to the BNA, in relation to the real economy, gross credit allocated to the non-financial sector, in September 2023, registered an increase of 356 billion kwanzas, driven mainly by the increase in investment in extractive industries.

The weight of gross credit to the real economy over the total bank credit portfolio increased by 1.03 percentage points compared to the same period last year, reaching 22.26 percent last September.

"However, it is worth highlighting the fact that in the last five years, there has been a considerable increase of 8.65 percentage points when compared to the 13.61 percent recorded in September 2019, as a result of the efforts undertaken to promote credit intended to increase national production", the note states.

The central bank also highlights that the total credit in force within the scope of the BNA's warnings to promote the real economy totaled 955.01 billion kwanzas, which represents 77.95 percent of the total credit granted to the real sector and 16, 36 percent of the gross credit portfolio.

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