Ver Angola

Banking and Insurance

Standard Bank of Angola reinforces proximity to the Chinese market

Standard Bank of Angola (SBA) brought together Chinese customers and partners this Thursday for a moment of networking and debate around the topic of Angola's macroeconomic update and financing challenges and solutions, with the purpose of "bringing together two worlds and create a unique DNA".


The 'China Day' event aimed to strengthen the proximity between the SBA, its customers and the Chinese community in particular, demonstrating that it is "the right partner" and is "available to support Chinese companies with credible and reliable products, which they meet the needs of large and small companies and individuals", explains André Reigota, director of Corporate Banking at the SBA.

"In addition to being a business partner, we are also an advisor and provide advice regarding new laws imposed by sector regulators. We have helped guide clients towards the best business practices in a market with many challenges and which is constantly changes, such as the laws and rules of regulators", says the person responsible, in a statement sent to VerAngola.

The SBA currently has around 500 Chinese company accounts, offering the following products: bank guarantee limits, letters of credit, issuance of bank guarantees, delivery and collection service with CCTV counting, short-term loan, BOL (internet banking), term deposits, project financing, purchase and sale of foreign currency, international payments for importing goods, among others.

The event featured speeches by Chen Feng, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Angola, Cao Min, director of the Chinese Customer Segment of Standard Bank, Liu Jia, deputy director of representation at IBC, Yingchun Zhao, director of Africa-China Sales and Global Markets at Standard Bank, Ricardo Ferreira, director of the Executive Board of the SBA, and Lúcia Branco, director of Debt Solutions and Investment Banking at the SBA.

Standard Bank is a solid institution, consistently recognized as a trustworthy and sustainable financial institution, with a relevant role in supporting Angola's growth, the bank further states.

With more than 160 years of experience, the Standard Bank Group is the largest financial institution in Africa, present in 20 countries on the African continent and with a presence in the main financial markets worldwide.

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