Ver Angola


Omatapalo wins contract for multipurpose pavilion worth 23 million dollars

The President of the Republic authorized the execution of a works contract, by direct agreement, to Omatapalo to build a multipurpose pavilion in Cuanza Norte, worth 23.8 million dollars, it was announced.


This is the first simplified hiring procedure authorized since João Lourenço took office, on 15 September, for his second term.

Omatapalo is one of the business groups that benefited from more contracts, through direct award or simplified contracting, in the previous mandate of João Lourenço, along with the Israeli Mitrelli, the Angolan Carrinho and Gemcorp, based in the United Kingdom, as reported by the economic weekly Expansion earlier this year.

The President denied, however, any favoritism to these companies.

The presidential order signed by João Lourenço justifies the work with the need to create adequate sports infrastructure for the promotion of sports in the province of Cuanza Norte, in compliance with the National Development Programme.

In addition to Omatapalo, construction company of Lebanese origin Dar Angola will be involved in the work, which will be in charge of supervising the work, a contract worth US$1.9 million.

In another presidential order, João Lourenço authorizes the expense to acquire consultancy services for the study and preparation of the Restructuring Plan for the Abandonment Fund, made up of financial resources from oil companies with a view to dismantling end-of-life oil fields.

The contract is worth US$1.8 million and will be signed by the National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG).

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