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'Centro Cultural Dr. Agostinho Neto'

: Facebook Centro Cultural Doctor Agostinho Neto Bairro Operário
Facebook Centro Cultural Doctor Agostinho Neto Bairro Operário  

Located in the Bairro Operário neighborhood of Luanda, the 'Centro Cultural Dr. Agostinho Neto' was created in the house where the country's first president, Agostinho Neto, grew up.

It was in the year 2000 that Neto's house was transformed into a cultural center.

The center, which has a bust at the entrance, serves to promote the life and work of the founder of the nation, and visitors who pass by can see Agostinho Neto's family tree, photos of his childhood, etc.

The center has two computer rooms, a library, a studio, among others.

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