Ver Angola


PR authorizes expenditure of more than 285 million to build Bero Dam

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, authorized an expenditure of more than 285 million dollars for the construction works of the Bero Dam, in Namibe, which should start soon.

: Imagem ilustrativa (Via: Welcome Angola)
Imagem ilustrativa (Via: Welcome Angola)  

The Government, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, informs that it will begin the design and construction works of the aforementioned dam, aiming to "mitigate the impact of the extreme weather conditions that occur in the south of the country".

In this sense, in order to execute this project, the Head of State, in presidential order no. 214/24 of 6 September, "authorised the expenditure of a total amount of 285,001,708.46 dollars".

"The diploma formalises the opening of the simplified contracting procedure, based on material criteria, for reasons of external financing, for the construction of the aforementioned work", reads the Executive's statement.

In addition, the President also approves the inclusion of the aforementioned project in the General State Budget, "with the Ministry of Finance ensuring the provision of the necessary financial resources" for its implementation.

"The Minister of Energy and Water is delegated authority, with the power to sub-delegate, for the approval of the procedural documents, the verification of the validity and legality of all acts carried out within the scope of this procedure, including the conclusion and signature of the contract", the note also states.

According to the Government, the drought events in Namibe, "with a severe impact on the economic and social activity of the province", motivated the launch of the 'PCESSA - Programme to Combat the Effects of Drought in Southern Angola' Programme, which aims to build "water storage and distribution infrastructures in the affected regions".

It should be recalled that, at the beginning of August, João Lourenço carried out an inspection visit to the Ndué Dam, located in the municipality of Cuvelai, in Cunene, and which is scheduled for completion in December of this year.

The Ndué dam is one of the projects included in the PCESSA, which in addition to including the province of Cunene, also covers the provinces of Huíla and Namibe.


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