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'Luther King' activist detained for eight months could go blind in jail

The lawyer of the Angolan activist Luther Campos, also known as 'Luther King', said this Friday that the health condition of the latter, detained for more than eight months, “inspires care” and asks for “urgency” under penalty of the activist losing the vision.


With no scheduled trial date, "Luther King", detained on January 12, 2022, has serious vision problems, as his lawyer, Francisco Muteka, reported, noting that he has already requested external consultations, at Hospital Prisão São Paulo, in Luanda. , but no answers.

Luther "has serious vision problems and it is a situation that has already been referred to the penitentiary services so that they can eventually exempt the individual from having to carry out consultations outside that prison unit", he explained, in statements to Lusa.

According to the lawyer, although the São Paulo jail is a prison hospital, it "is not in a position" to assess situations suffered by the defendant Luther Campos, 32 years old.

"So he is also not in good health, physically he appears to be fine, but from the point of view of his eyesight and other health-related situations the 'Luther King' requires urgent special care," he pointed out.

"Luther King" is a well-known Angolan activist, very active on social media, where he shared videos of his participation in demonstrations against the country's socioeconomic conditions.

The activist is accused of rebellion and resistance against an official, and, explained his lawyer, the other five crimes he had been accused of "fell to the ground".

"There were two [crimes] and the defense will continue along the same path that is to show the court that the accusations that the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) wants to defend at trial have nothing to do with the character and acts that the defendant practiced", he stressed.

"And, therefore, the criminal procedure has rules, which are clear and objective and deserve to be supported with evidence and not speculation", observed Francisco Muteka.

The defense "has the same conviction here that the defendant Luther Campos will be acquitted due to the fact that the prosecution does not have sustainable requirements for it to lead to a conviction", he pointed out.

The lawyer added that there is still no date for the start of the trial, but admitted that "it could happen in the next few days".

Regarding the reports of alleged attempts on Luther's life and poisoning in jail, Muteka replied that the defense has no evidence on this, but admitted that because his client is "quite sharp" and enjoys "a huge social reputation", he will have heavy on his detention.

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