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Creator of the hit "Jerusalema" attributes success to video made by young angolans

The creator of "Jerusalema" - a song that crossed borders, even reaching places where covid-19 didn't, like Antarctica - admitted that a big part of the worldwide success of his song was due to a video made by young angolans.


It was through a video published on the social network Tik Tok that Master G - the creator of the song - admitted that the success of his song is due to "a group of angolan boys and girls" who decided to dance, to the sound of "Jerusalema", in the backyard and with a plate of food in hand.

"It's a South African dance that we dance at all parties, but what happened here was that a group of angolan boys and girls saw this choreography and started to dance it while holding food plates in a backyard, taking this video to millions of people," he said, quoted by Novo Jornal.

Master G admitted that he never thought the music would reach the four corners of the world, but acknowledged that the angolan youth group's video pushed "Jerusalema" to success.

The song, written by Master G and performed by the singer Nomcebo Zikode, was created at the end of 2019 in South Africa. In February, the Angolan youth video became viral, and currently has over 11 million views.

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