Ver Angola


Agostinho Neto University with more than 4600 places for the academic year 2024/2025

Agostinho Neto University (UAN) has a total of 4605 places available for the 2024/2025 academic year, with classes at higher education institutions starting on 30 September.


"For the 42 undergraduate courses available for the current academic year, Agostinho Neto University has 4605 ​​places available", the university reported in a statement to which VerAngola had access.

The registration period for the exams is now open and will run until the 12th of this month.

"Registrations for the entrance exams for the 2024/2025 academic year will take place online from the 1st to the 12th of August of the current year, through the portal", UAN said.

According to the university, at the time of registration, candidates must provide certain information, namely a copy of their identity card, passport or residence card in the case of foreign citizens, a copy of the certificate or declaration of completion of secondary education or equivalent and also a passport-type photograph.

The registration fee for one option costs 5000 kwanzas, while for two options it costs 10,000 kwanzas.

"The registration fee must be paid after submitting the application, in accordance with the payment slip, which will be issued through the portal. Once the payment slip has been obtained, candidates must go to an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) or use the Multicaixa Express app to make the payment", explains the UAN.

Once the registration phase is over, the respective exams will follow. The entrance exams, the university says, "will be held in person, from 19 to 21 August, in Luanda, on the University Campus, (...) preceded by the publication of the lists of registered candidates, with the indication of the rooms and the date for each of the exams".

"On the day of the respective exams, candidates must present the original of their ID card and the registration form, which must be printed from the portal", further informs the UAN.

For further information, candidates can send an email ( or call (924 535 230).

It should be noted that classes for the 2024/2025 academic year in higher education are scheduled to start on 30 September, although the official opening of the academic year is only scheduled for 4 October.


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