Ver Angola


Brazilian and South African arrested in Luanda for drug trafficking

A Brazilian citizen and a South African woman were detained in Luanda with 110 cocaine capsules hidden in their stomachs, in sheets and in their travel bags, a police source announced.


According to the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), the man and woman, aged 41 and 45, were detained at 4 de Fevereiro International Airport, in Luanda, and the aforementioned capsules make up a total of 7.7 kilos of cocaine.

The SIC said that the Brazilian was detained when passengers were disembarking from the TAP flight from Lisbon, and the South African woman was detained when she was disembarking from a TAAG flight from São Paulo, Brazil.

According to the investigating police, the action involved other security forces at the airport and both are now indicted for acts that amount to drug trafficking crimes.

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