Ver Angola


Angola and Cape Verde sign cooperation agreement in the field of public administration

Angola and Cape Verde signed this Monday, in Luanda, a cooperation protocol in the field of public administration, administrative reform, human resources management and citizen support services.


The document was signed by the Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security of Angola, Teresa Dias, and by the Minister of Modernisation of the State and Public Administration of Cape Verde, Edna Oliveira.

In her speech, Teresa Dias stated that this protocol, which had been under negotiation for some time, aims to gather experiences from Cape Verde on human resources management, integrated citizen support services and public administration reform.

Teresa Dias stressed that the agreement also aims to share with Cape Verde Angola's experience in the area of ​​the single recruiting entity, the School of Administration and Public Policies, among others.

“With this instrument that we have signed, we understand that the necessary steps have been taken so that our technical teams can be trained and we can then begin working on achieving our objective”, she stressed.

The Angolan minister highlighted that there are still several constraints in the country's public administration, but the paths to be followed to improve efficiency have been identified, admitting that there is still “a long way to go”.

“It is on this path that we cannot neglect some areas and draw on the experiences of those who have already successfully followed the path”, she said.

In turn, Edna Oliveira said that Cape Verde has much to share with Angola in terms of the protocol signed, “but it also has to learn from Angola”.

“We have seen that the dysfunctions and areas for improvement in both countries are similar, so the prospect is that we may sign thematic agreements within the scope of the protocol”, said the minister.

The Cape Verdean minister stressed that, in particular, the island country intends to “draw on Angola’s experience in terms of training civil servants”.

According to Edna Oliveira, “unfortunately”, since 2006, Cape Verde has no longer had a public institution responsible for training and qualifying civil servants, stressing that, in the second half of this year, the country is creating and implementing the National School for Training of Cape Verdean Civil Servants.

“Considering that Angola has had the school operating for several years and has experience, we hope to benefit from this experience”, she stressed.

The Cape Verdean minister also stated that her country has experience in providing public services, providing services in an integrated manner by the State, through various channels, which it can share with Angola.

As part of the signed protocol, one of the measures that could be implemented are training actions that can be given in both countries, by professionals from both States, added Edna Oliveira.

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