At the channel's relaunch ceremony – held last Thursday in Luanda, where the channel's new image, programme schedule and presenters were announced – Anselmo Ralph and Gildo Mariano, CEO of Team Films and partner in this project, presented the new image of 'BOM SOM TV', now renamed 'BOM SOM Channel', according to a statement sent to VerAngola.
Anselmo Ralph, looking quite emotional, revealed that the "dream of creating a TV channel dedicated to African music and culture dates back to 1998, when he was still living in New York".
According to the statement, this dream came true in 2021, a year marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the channel is now "entering a new phase with innovative programming that includes talk shows, talent competitions and dance programmes".
According to the musician, this channel aims to be more than just a music channel: "The 'BOM SOM Channel' wants to be more than just a music channel, acting as a platform for change and social awareness, through the promotion of African music and culture with responsibility, education and good values".
Gildo Mariano highlighted the "importance of strategic partnerships", as well as the collaboration with young talents in order to create "outside the box" content.
According to Gildo Mariano, the channel produces programmes in Angola, but has plans to "replicate this production in Mozambique, Cape Verde and Portugal" from next month.
In Angola, the channel will be broadcast on ZAP. On the occasion, ZAP's channel director, Eurípedes Varela, said that the "platform he runs will only serve as a showcase and will help to promote and, above all, recognise the best that is being done in Angola in the field of culture, with an emphasis on music".
The 'BOM SOM Channel' has the "mission of promoting national culture and music from the PALOP countries", being "a channel that identifies with the culture of the PALOP countries".
In Angola and Mozambique it will be broadcast on ZAP channel 101, while in Cape Verde and Portugal it can be seen on CV Multimídia channel 59 and MEO channel 142, respectively.
It should be noted that the relaunch ceremony of the channel was attended by figures such as the Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, the national director of Information and Institutional Communication, João Demba, the national director of Advertising, José Cuato, the general director of ZAP, Luís Henriques, the director of ZAP Estúdios, Jorge Antunes, among many others.