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Angolan bishop denies evading paternity and party-political affiliation

Catholic Bishop Belmiro Chissengueti denied evading paternity and affiliation with political parties, in response to information that he is the father of two children and is associated with UNITA.


"Regarding the issue of my having children in Benguela and Luanda, I am here and I would like to have them with me so I can register them and give them the assistance they need, especially in this child-juvenile phase where the presence of the father is fundamental for the growth of the son," he replied to journalists.

Speaking at a press conference summing up the II Annual Plenary Assembly of the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé (CEAST), he also refuted any connection with the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

The also bishop of Cabinda, who has been very critical of public policies in Angola and the subject of many comments on social networks, said that he "hears a lot" about him.

"I've heard a lot about myself, I've already been placed with photographs as the nephew of Savimbi (founding leader of UNITA), UNITA deputy or member of any political party", he stressed.

"They can make a complete scan of my human path and there is no link with any party, absolutely none, unless it is invented on occasion", argued the CEAST spokesperson.

Regarding the alleged children he has, Belmiro Chissengueti added: "I want to know them so I can assume them, for guidance as a good family father that I would like to be in the case under analysis".

The II Annual Plenary Assembly of CEAST bishops took place between the 23rd and 28th of August at its headquarters in Luanda, and at this press conference the balance of the work carried out was presented.


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