On the occasion, the holder of the Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas portfolio considered that the start of the project will make it possible to increase "diamond production levels", raise revenue, as well as create jobs.
"The mine will increase diamond production levels and raise revenue for the state coffer and create jobs," he said, quoted in a statement from the Government of Lunda Sul, which VerAngola had access to.
Speaking at the end of the visit to verify the level of physical execution of the works on the project's treatment plant, the minister left the guarantee that the start-up of the mine "is coming soon, at a time that" is expected "for the conclusion of the construction work on the water treatment and distribution station, the power plant and the tailings basin, important infrastructure that will ensure the normal operation of the mine".
Already quoted in a note from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, to which VerAngola had access, the minister said that "the works are taking place within the established schedule, despite some constraints in the supply of equipment", having also highlighted "the commitment responsible for the project, and a team of workers made up mostly of Angolans".
Thus, he indicated that "soon the project will have its official production activity and will become an important contributor in the production of diamonds in the country and will make its contribution to the economic growth of the country and to the improvement of the quality of life of the population of this region".
Diamantino Azevedo referred that the mining activity has "its own presuppositions". "The mining activity has its own assumptions, starting with the reconnaissance phase and when we reach the conclusion that there is enough ore in quantity, quality and geological conditions for its exploitation, we move on, the development phase being this phase where we are", he said, quoted in the communiqué of the Ministry.
"In mining activity you have to be patient, we have to take into account the high risk in the prospecting, research and capital intensity phases and this whole process takes a few years", he said, reiterating: "With the start of operation of the mine, it will increase considerably current production of diamonds in the country and more direct and indirect jobs will also be created".
In turn, Rómulo Mucase indicated that the minister "recommended the continuity of the work", considering "the lines drawn so that this year the production can move forward".
On the occasion, he also said that they have to "arrange conditions to cohabit with the communities".
"We have to arrange conditions to cohabit with the communities, there are responsibilities in the social area and this will be possible when relations are good between us, the populations and the government", said the deputy director, quoted in the statement from the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas.
"With an execution of 80 percent, prospecting activities began in 2012 and 2017 work began on the mine in a volume of 34 million mining mass, reaching a depth of 95 meters", the note also reads.