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Angolan company creates application to facilitate school management in times of pandemic

The pandemic has brought change and one of the sectors that has suffered most is education. Education is now done at a distance and sometimes managing it can be a real headache. To try to combat this problem, the Angolan company QBinary decided to create an application to facilitate the management of distance education.


The application was developed from the system of automation of the school process, began by explaining Serafim Guiado, administrative director of the company.

"The system consists of an area of distance learning, also integrates the administrative area in all aspects. All are integrated in the same system," he said, quoted by Angop.

Serafim Guiado explained that this application is composed of an administrative system that not only integrates a set of tests and evaluation guidelines, but also links the schools to the municipal and provincial directorates and to the Ministry of supervision in issuing diplomas.

"The system also integrates, from the outset, the school institution, which sends the data to the municipal directorates, which it sends to the provincial offices and the provincial offices send to the directorates that integrate the Ministry of Education", he explained, considering that this application is an "innovative system".

The application is already in the experimental phase and is being implemented in the Higher Institute of Cambambe and a school in Ndalatando, Kwanza Norte.

The responsible, who was speaking at the end of a meeting with Bornito de Sousa, vice-president of the Republic, believes that this platform will help both high school and higher education, considering that this may be a solution to ensure the course of classes and school administration even during the pandemic.

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