Ver Angola


Commission considers "historic gain" in institutionalising journalists' professional portfolio

The Portfolio and Ethics Commission (CCE) of Angola said this Friday that the author-regulation of journalists is a "historic gain" for the class, whose degree in journalism is a primary requirement for the exercise, foreseeing fines and suspension of the portfolio.


CCE is the body, created in October 2019, that will institutionalize the professional portfolio of journalists in Angola.

According to Honorato Silva, a board member of the Angolan Portfolio and Ethics Commission, the self-regulation, with the attribution of the professional portfolio, constitutes a "gain for the Angolan class and society because it is a fight fought for almost thirty years".

"We will be the ones to regulate the activity, to initiate the good practices, as to make the call of attention to the harmful acts to the journalistic activity and we will also recognize the portfolio of foreign professionals that will come to exercise the activity in Angola", stated this Friday in declarations to Lusa.

The body, which has already been working on its own premises for a week, plans to allocate the first professional portfolios within a month.

A degree in journalism or communication sciences is the main requirement to have access to the portfolio, in light of the Law on the Statute of Journalists approved in 2017, which also includes other requirements.

According to Honorato Silva, the legal diploma also admits a degree in another area of knowledge and another semester of a degree in journalism, as well as access to the portfolio for professionals who, at the time of publication of the law, already had five years of practice.

He said that some issues will be discussed, admitting some revisions: "we admit that the law needs to be improved and regulated, but every professional should get in touch with it", he noted.

Fines, registered admonitions, dismissal and suspension of the portfolio are the legal mechanisms to sanction journalists and non-compliant companies.

The CCE management, based in the urban district of Rangel, in Luanda, has created technological conditions, including a digital desk for the registration of professionals through the website:

According to the director, the effective date for the allocation of the first professional cards should be set in the second half of this month, but, he noted, "it should not take more than a month".

A database is also being set up to measure the exact number of media professionals, a process which is being contributed by the class unions and the management of the bodies.

The Portfolio and Ethics Committee, chaired by the journalist Luísa Rogério, is a public law body responsible for ensuring the functioning of the accreditation system for media professionals.

One of its missions is to coordinate and monitor the work of national and foreign journalists and media.

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