Ver Angola


Seven companies win bid to import 250 thousand tons of fertilizers

Seven companies, out of a total of 36 that competed, won the electronic auction to import 250 thousand tons of fertilizers to guarantee the 2024/2025 harvest.


The Ministry of Industry and Commerce informed, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, that "following the dynamic electronic procedure for licensing the import of 250 thousand tons of fertilizers" the electronic auction was held on June 25th.

The aforementioned auction was attended by a total of 36 companies, with only seven meeting the requirements required in the procedural documents.

"After the auction ended, and having been generated by the platform of the National Public Procurement Service of the Ministry of Finance, the final report of the competition automatically, under the terms of which 36 competitors were registered, of which only seven met the requirements set out in the documents of the procedure", says the statement.

The guardianship also highlights that, "of the competition's total import quota of 250 thousand tons, 180 thousand tons were distributed to the winners, with a remaining quota available of 75 thousand tons", of which 70 thousand tons of NPK 12-24-12 and five thousand tons of urea.

Regarding the price, the ministry reports that the average price per ton of fertilizers last year was around 932.97 dollars, ending up contrasting "with the current price of 305 dollars declared by the winning companies in the auction, for the import of fertilizers", representing a significant decrease of 67.3 percent, allowing the country to save 627.97 dollars per ton.


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