Ver Angola


Olympic Games: Azenaide Carlos is the country's flag bearer and wears Nadir Tati at the opening ceremony

The opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games takes place this Friday and Angola will be represented by Azenaide Carlos as the country's flag bearer in the Olympic competition. At the ceremony, the handball player will wear a costume designed by Nadir Tati.

: Instagram Nadir Tati
Instagram Nadir Tati  

The designer, using her social media, announced that the athlete is the country's flag bearer and that she will be wearing one of her designs.

"Azenaide Carlos is Angola's flag bearer at the Paris Games", reads Nadir Tati's post.

Thus, Azeneide Carlos will be stepping into the shoes of so many other national athletes who have carried the national standard. These names include Filomena Trindade, João Ntyamba, Luísa Kiala, Natália Bernardo, among others.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Rui Falcão, has also taken on the Olympic role. The minister is in Paris to support the national athletes and his trip included a visit to the Olympic village on Wednesday.

The flag bearer, according to the event's regulations, cited by Opaís, is responsible for representing the country at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, a role granted to athletes who have distinguished themselves through their contribution to the nation.

The opening ceremony takes place at 6:30 pm and, unlike previous competitions, will not be held inside a stadium. This year, the ceremony will be held on the River Seine in Paris, with each delegation 'ripping' the Parisian waters by boat.


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