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Society Official visit of the Portuguese Prime Minister

Amnesty International calls on Portuguese PM to address human rights on official visit to Angola

Amnesty International (AI) called on the Portuguese prime minister, who visits Angola next week, to raise the issue of human rights with the country's authorities.

: Facebook Luís Montenegro
Facebook Luís Montenegro  

"Portugal, as a country that defends human rights and subscribes to the main international human rights treaties, must address, in a constructive and diplomatic manner, human rights issues in formal interactions with partner countries", reads the statement from the Portuguese section of AI.

The organization emphasizes the importance of this dialogue, especially when these countries "have a conduct that is contrary to the values ​​that the Portuguese State defends and which are internationally recognized".

For AI, "the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, as well as the immediate release of arrested activists and the end of charges against them, must take place in the talks".

The Portuguese section of AI also invites the population to join in this appeal to the Portuguese Government, sending an email to the Portuguese Prime Minister to that effect.

"In Angola, violations of the right to freedom of expression and the right to peaceful demonstration and assembly have been persistent and can no longer be ignored by the Portuguese Government", considers AI.

He continues: "In recent years, AI has documented a worrying pattern of arbitrary detentions, intimidation and harassment, perpetrated by Angolan authorities against citizens who dare to report human rights violations, corruption and injustice in the country".

The organization "challenges Prime Minister Luís Montenegro to highlight human rights on his official visit to the country, formally asking the Angolan authorities that the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly be respected in Angola".


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