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Real Estate

Presented project to build a condominium with more than two hundred houses

The construction project for the Luz-Lar condominium was presented, this Thursday, by the construction company Eco-Imobiliária. The condominium, which will have more than 200 residences, will be built on the expressway, in the area adjacent to the condominium Jardim de Rosas.


According to Pedro David, coordinator of the project, the first stone will be laid within two weeks.

The project foresees the construction of 217 houses of different typologies (T3, T4 and T5), in the modality of resolvable income, writes Platinaline.

The project coordinator said that the houses will be delivered chronologically. That is, the delivery will be gradual "according to the chronological registration of membership," he explained.

Cited by Platinaline, Pedro David said that the company will have "a maximum duration of one year for the delivery of the houses.

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