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Angola trains technicians against human trafficking. Country has registered more than 100 cases in the last five years

Health officials and social workers have received training this Thursday on trafficking in human beings, a phenomenon of which Angola has recorded over 100 cases in the last five years.


The information was released by the Secretary of State for Human Rights and Citizenship, Ana Celeste Januário, on the sidelines of the lecture on Trafficking in Human Beings, held in commemoration of the International Day against Trafficking in Persons, which is celebrated on 30 July.

She said that other lectures have already been addressed to notaries and conservatives and to young people, being this one for social workers and health workers, people who work with research, vulnerable groups and with patients, being able to alert and denounce to the authorities issues of human trafficking.

Ana Celeste Januário stressed that in the country, of the more than 100 cases registered, between 2015 and 2020, two dozen have already been tried.

"Last week the provincial court in Luanda tried and condemned another human trafficking case, which means that we are feeling the response and the action of the authorities on the issue of trafficking," she said.

The border provinces and Luanda, the country's capital, are at the top of the list of cases, the Secretary of State for Human Rights and Citizenship said.

"Luanda, because it is a province with almost 30 million inhabitants, the movement is very large, then the province of Cunene, especially attempts at trafficking for labour exploitation of children in Namibia, Zaire, where children often come (...) for exploitation, we have cases in Lunda Norte and also in the province of Malanje," she said.

According to Ana Celeste Januário, they are essentially trafficking for child exploitation, stressing that the target group of greatest concern in the fight against human trafficking are children.

Besides the Angola-Namibia connection, in the southern part, and the Angola-Democratic Republic of Congo, in the northern part, through airports, the main gateway to Europe is Portugal, "a place where normally, especially Angolan victims, children, leave".

"It may be to be trafficked in Portugal, but we also have cases of passage to Italy, France and the Netherlands. We have also had trials of Asian women coming to Angola for sexual exploitation", he said.

Ana Celeste Januário stressed that trafficking in human beings is a lucrative crime and done underground, but with the level of awareness and the work with different operators, including those of justice, people have already been able to detect these cases more easily.

"So they are better investigated and brought to justice," he added.

One of the purposes of human trafficking is organ trafficking, but Angola does not have a record of any case, only signaled situations of people who have been transported from Angola to other countries, assuming that in this case "they have been taken for organ trafficking.

"On the other hand, our transplant law is very recent, as transplantation is not yet done internally - usually the issue of organ trafficking is for this - it is another reason that we still do not have incidence of cases of organ trafficking", stressed the leader.

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