Ver Angola


Elsa Baldaia in the campaign of the Italian OOF WEAR

Elsa Baldaia is part of the latest campaign of the Italian brand OOF WEAR, developed and distributed on the international market by the company NYKY.


Managed by Da Banda Model Management since 2011, Elsa gives life to clothes and accessories characterized by an innovative and colorful design, in a very fun campaign.

A statement sent to VerAngola states that the collection is inspired by a modern and sophisticated style, made with fabrics of geometric shapes and strong colors, characteristic of the brand.

The Portuguese-Angolan model has countless achievements in the main international fashion markets and is a constant presence in the most iconic fashion weeks.

Just at the start of this year, she paraded at the Fashion Weeks in New York and Milan, for major brands such as Christian Cowan, Bibhu Mohapatra, Nicole Miller, Fashion Hong Kong, Chiara Boni La Petite Robe, Philipp Plein, Elisabetta Franchi and Borbonese.


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