Ver Angola


Covid-19: State prepares to buy three laboratories with greater testing capacity from Chinese company

According to information provided by the Minister of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta, it is known that the national health authorities are negotiating with the Chinese biotechnology company BGI the acquisition of three more laboratories with greater capacity for testing covid-19.


The announcement was made at the usual press conference to update the pandemic data in the country, with the holder of the portfolio of Health saying that the negotiations are advanced and that the Government has an Angolan scientist in the team of Chinese specialists in charge of setting up the labs.

With a processing capacity of 5000 samples per day, these laboratories will thus have a high laboratory capacity, and they will be able to test patients for covid-19 or other viral diseases, says Angop.

Angola currently has six testing laboratories for the covid-19, installed at the National Institute for Research and Health, Central Military Hospital, Hospital Esperança, National Institute for the Fight against AIDS, Clínica Girassol and Clínica Luanda Medical Center, all concentrated in Luanda .

These laboratories have a testing capacity of around 600 samples per day. Since the confirmation of the first positive cases in the country, 31,319 samples have been received.

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