Ver Angola


Second period of national exams takes place from Wednesday

This Wednesday, the second period of application of the national exams in their first generalization phase will start. In terms of timing, the exams will take place between Wednesday and Thursday (14th and 15th of June) across the country and aim to assess knowledge in the subjects of Portuguese Language and Mathematics.


According to the Ministry of Education – in a note quoted by Angop –, at this stage, approximately 37,854 students will be covered.

Here, the subjects of Portuguese Language and Mathematics of the sixth, ninth and twelfth grades will be evaluated.

The exams, to be carried out in exam centres, will last 90 minutes for the sixth grade and 120 minutes for the remaining grades (ninth and twelfth grades), writes Angop.

It should be recalled that the Ministry of Education carried out the first period of application of the national exams, in its first generalization phase, last month, having evaluated the subjects of Nature Sciences of the sixth grade and Physics of the ninth and twelfth grades.

Upon the announcement of the first period of application of the exams, the guardianship clarified that these tests, which are intended for students from public, public-private and private institutions of primary and secondary general education, are intended to assess the learning level of students, as well as "verify the real state of the educational system, through the evaluation carried out by an external entity".


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