Ver Angola


President of the AN in Belgium to participate in the annual summit of political leaders

The president of the National Assembly (AN), Carolina Cerqueira, left the country this Monday morning, heading to Belgium to participate in the annual summit of political leaders.


According to a communiqué from the parliament, which VerAngola had access to, this is the Annual Summit of the Women Political Leader, which will take place this Wednesday and Thursday.

"The President of the National Assembly, Carolina Cerqueira, left this Monday morning, June 5, for Brussels, Belgium, where she will participate in the Annual Summit of the Women Political Leader (WPL), to be held from June 7 to 8, under the motto 'Representation is Important'", reads the note.

According to the president of the AN, who will be among the political world leaders, the event – organized with the collaboration of the Federal Parliament of Belgium and the European Parliament – will serve to "exchange experiences, share opinions and approve goals for the challenges that arise in the global context, referring to the role of women in decision-making".

Cited in the note, the official also said that these meetings discuss global issues and challenges, enabling the exchange of good practices and knowledge for making the necessary decisions, "to improve the lives of the populations, through the impetus and encouragement of the approval of public policies that can allow more development".

The AN president also made it known that the national delegation will speak "about peace, in order to make known Angola's experience in peace processes, at continental level, as well as the role that Angolan women, in particular, the female parliamentarian, has been playing in the regional and international conjuncture", reads in the communiqué.

Led by Carolina Cerqueira, the parliamentary delegation is also made up of MPs Arlete Chimbinda, from UNITA, and Maria Antonieta Baptista, from MPLA.

"Women Political Leader is a global network of women politicians, whose mission is to increase both the number of women and their influence in political leadership positions", the note also states, which adds that the summit "is the main world meeting of women political leaders, gathering annually from 350 to 400 participants, in the seat of the parliament of the host country".

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