Ver Angola


MCA Group to electrify communes with photovoltaic systems

The government will sign a memorandum of understanding with the Portuguese group MCA (M. Couto Alves) for the electrification of 61 communes in five provinces through hybrid photovoltaic generation systems.


According to a presidential order to which Lusa had access, the memorandum of understanding to be signed with the Ministry of Energy and Water (Minea) provides for the preparation of technical, economic, financial and environmental feasibility studies.

The studies will serve as the basis for a project to electrify 61 communes in the provinces of Malanje, Bié, Moxico, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, through the development, construction and financing of hybrid photovoltaic generation systems with a storage system with lithium-ion batteries and the expansion of the electricity network of new distribution networks.

Minea will celebrate memorandums for the development of other infrastructures in B.O.T. (Build Operate Transfer, a regime in which private companies finance, build and exploit the works for a period of time, after which they are transferred to the State property) according to other orders consulted by Lusa.

Thus, agreements will be signed with Tecnic Serviços Limitada to prepare the necessary studies for the construction of the Luacano hydroelectric plant on the Cassai river, in Moxico province, and the Luizavo plant, also in Moxico.

The signing of a memorandum with China Railway 20 Group International Angola, Limitada (CR20) is also planned to proceed with the necessary studies for the construction of the Cuemba hydroelectric plant, in Bié province, with a production capacity of 50 MW (megawatts). ).


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