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President creates working group to update and correct school manuals

João Lourenço created a multisectoral working group to "update and correct school manuals" for the 1st and 2nd cycles of general education with the aim of "promoting and improving teaching and learning".


According to Presidential Order No. 74/20, of 29 May, which Lusa had access to, the group will be coordinated by the Minister of State for the Social Area, Carolina Cerqueira, and includes the Minister of Education and several ministerial departments.

Advisers to the President, representatives of the Angolan Academy of Letters, the Association of Angolan Teachers and the Union of Angolan Writers are also part of the three-month working group.

List all school textbooks and carry out a technical, pedagogical and literary analysis and develop a plan for the introduction of new content and updated concepts in school textbooks are some of the skills of the group.

The multisectoral working group should also screen all the thematic content of the different school manuals and propose to update them according to the historical, geographical and natural sciences context.

Detailed reports on the work carried out must be presented monthly to the President, according to the order.

Classes in general education in Angola, canceled since March as a measure to contain the spread of covid-19, should resume on 13 July next, according to the presidential decree that, since 26 May, declared the situation of public calamity in the country .

On May 21, parliament unanimously approved legislation amending the Basic Law for the Education and Teaching System, a document that contemplates free primary education and distance learning.

The gratuity in the Education and Teaching System, according to the law, translates into "exemption from any payment for enrollment, assistance to classes, school material and social support, for all students attending primary education in public educational institutions" .

The Basic Law of the Education and Teaching System also contemplates the distance learning modality, which must take place in a virtual way, and the semi-presidential teaching modality.

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