Ver Angola


National Police: "We may have to return to a state of emergency"

The police criticized the non-compliance with the rules on the situation of public calamity due to the covid-19 pandemic and warned that "perhaps" it is necessary to take tougher measures or return to a state of emergency.


National Police spokesman, Valdemar José, warned of an increase in the number of cases of the new coronavirus in Angola, which has announced 267 infected so far, and pointed out several situations of disregard of the rules that aggravate the risks of contagion.

The deputy commissioner, who was speaking at a press conference in Luanda after the daily assessment of the situation of the pandemic in Angola, underlined that there is still disrespect for the “civic duty” of home retirement, “a failure” on the part of many citizens.

"We may have to go back to a state of emergency, we may need to re-confine or the authorities will have to take more severe measures," warned the subcommittee, who stressed that non-compliance, which can lead to increased contagion, is not responsibility of the State or health authorities.

Valdemar José gave several examples of the violation of established rules, detected by the authorities, such as gyms that open in a clandestine way, restaurants that do not respect the distance measures, parties outside the home with more than 50 people, street vendors that sell in days and hours that are not allowed, people on the beaches when they will only open from August 15th or churches that exceed the capacity limits.

The spokesman announced, on the other hand, that the resumption of visits to prisons in Luanda was postponed, which should happen from Monday, without indicating a new date.

Angola has seen an acceleration of new cases in the past two weeks.


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